(2) Provisions or clauses that supplement the FAR. The following example illustrates the makeup of the FAR provision or clause number (see Figure 1 below). The FAR provision or clause number is then completed by a hyphen and a sequential number assigned within each section of subpart 52.2. The next two digits of the provision or clause number correspond to the number of the FAR subject part in which the provision or clause is prescribed.
All FAR provision and clause numbers begin with '52.2,' since the text of all FAR provisions and clauses appear in subpart 52.2. Each FAR provision or clause is uniquely identified.
The subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of the FAR. subpart 52.2 sets forth the text of all FAR provisions and clauses, each in its own separate subsection. 'Modification,' as used in this subpart, means a minor change in the details of a provision or clause that is specifically authorized by the FAR and does not alter the substance of the provision or clause (see 52.104).